Ross Olson's Web Site

Social Issues: Letters

From: Ross Olson <ross{at{>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014
To: Editor Star Tribune (opinion{at}
Subject: We Know...

Wallace Shawn defends the principle of innocent until proven guilty (“The Woody Allen Accusations and
the Nature of Knowing,” Star Tribune 2/19). But then he makes a judgment that contradicts objective
evidence by stating, “It was once believed that any man who loved other men was a danger to young
boys, but we now know that that was very wrong.” No we DON’T know that to be wrong, rather it is
confirmed by multiple studies, including those by gay researchers, in which 25% of gay men admit that
they, as adults over 21, have had sex with boys under 16. Beware of the glib generalizations that begin
with “we know….”

Ross Olson MD

Send comments to me at ross{at}

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