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- Why Promote Chastity
The impetus for sex education in the schools is allegedly to reduce the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. If that is really the case, sex education has failed miserably, because during its hay day, those problems have increased exponentially.
- Review of "Hooked"
There is a biochemical bonding with sexual intimacy that produces actual structural changes in the brain. With multiple broken sexual relationships, the ability of the brain to bond is lost.
- 6/23/1984 Letter to Colleagues on Sexual Abuse of
Children. Even those who advocate for sexual freedom tend to draw the line at sexual abuse of children, although the same arguments could be used in its favor.
- "Transition form the Old Norm to the New" -- remember, new is not always improved! 1991 Letter to Professor Sylvia Hacker regarding her proposal for sexual freedom and her response to my letter. (Dr. Hacker died in January 2013)
- Why Promote Chastity?
Why are some people so upset about sex education? Do they prefer ignorance?
- Is Chastity a Medical Issue?
Isn't this just a matter of opinion? Are there any real data on medical consequences? (This is a long file)
- Chastity: An Idea Whose Time Has Returned
It makes a lot of sense, so why is it not popular among the trend setters?
- Sex Ed Can Make Matters Worse Some sex ed is sexually stimulating and conveys the expectation that all teens will and even should be sexually active..
- Minneapolis Public Schools Hindering Aids Education
IWhy not tell the truth? There are other overriding concerns, namely to teach tolerance and prevent discrimination.
- SIECUS President, Debra Heefner, unintentionally reveals the results of its philosophy.
Letter to a Professor of Pediatrics about a lecture in which no one challenged obvious absurdities.
- Talk to Teens
A short talk I give at the end of the 12 year physical, with variations, usually with a parent in the room.
- Sex Education: What's the Fuss? Kids need to know about sex, don't they? Parents are embarrassed to tell them, so the schools must, OK? Problem, what are they actually teaching?
Kids need to know about sex, don't they? Parents are embarrassed to tell them, so the schools must, OK? NOT!!"
- Touch
Touch is a basic human need. It not the same as sex. Confusion on this subject increases our problems.
- Totally Teen
An HMO came out with a guidebook for teens. Unlike previous efforts, they emphasize that sex should wait, but only say "until you are ready." Why the reluctance to say "marriage?"
- Testimony Regarding Absolute Confidentiality For Teens Regarding Their Medical Care: Minnesota House Committee by Ross Olson The idea that teens need absolute confidentiality in their medical care sounds reasonable but has serious unintended consequences
- Testimony Regarding Absolute Confidentiality For Teens Regarding Their Medical Care: Minnesota Senate Committee by Ross Olson Proponents of confidentiality claim to have the same goals for the teens as the parents, but they are either deceived or deceiving regarding the plotters and schemers with a different agenda.
- Testimony in favor of parental notification was not well received. by Ross Olson Proponents of confidentiality did not really want to listen to opposing opinions.
- Testimony Regarding Comprehensive Sex Education given at the Minnesota Senate and House, March 2007 by Ross Olson Proponents of comprehensive sex education promote the myth that abstinenence education does not work and assume both that all teens will become sexually active and that with information, thay will "do the right thing."
Testimony Regarding Comprehensive Sex Education given at the Minnesota Senate and House, March 2008 by Ross Olson Comprehensive sex education is often pornographic, portrays condoms as safe, produces perverse peer pressure to do the wrong thin, leads young people to think that a series of broken relationships will have no consequences and is backed by a misguided utopian vision of complete sexual freedom without guilt
School based clinics are not a solution to the problems associated with teen sexuality but compound the problems by Ross Olson
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