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Resources for understanding homosexuality
Articles on Transgender
- Critique of Transgender Protocols Accepted protocols are harmful.
- Misguided Compassion It is not loving to affirm a gender-confused person in a false belief. In fact, it may be fatal!
- Swedish Study After 10 years from the completion of "gender affirmation" surgery and hormones, the subjects start comitting suicide at 20 times the expected rate!
- Walt Hyer I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery. Here's Why I Regret It
- Web of Deception or from World Magazine Website World Magazine May 7, 2022, Rapid onset gender dysphoria results from social media sites like TikTok which seem to glamorize transgender.
Articles on Homosexuality
- With A Clear Conscience Has The Media Done Due Diligence In Investigating Child Sexual Abuse?
- Investigating the Investigators Why is the sexual abuse of children priests exposed by the press but abuse by the larger gay community is not investigated?
- Just Suppose What if the popular ideas about homosexuality are wrong? Could well-meaning people be doing harm?
- Homosexuals Need Love Genuine love is needed, not condemnation, yet love is not the same as approval of all behavior.
- Closed Minded? Which side is closed-minded in the homosexual debate?
- Who Killed Them? When a teen-aged boy and a homosexual man died in a murder-suicide, gay activists blamed anti-gays.
- Millstone Time Jesus had harsh words for those who cause little children to stumble.
- Pedophilia Chic (1996) A disturbing look at the progress in "normalization" of "intergenerational sex" in 1996
- Pedophilia Chic Reconsidered (2001) Five years later the situation is even worse.
For the original Pedophilia Chic articles, if they still posted, go to and
If not available on line, copies are at Pedophilia Chic 1
and Pedophilia Chic 2
- The Causes of Male Homosexuality A scenario based on the most comprehensive research. (Reprinted from NARTH)
- Mea culpa, You-a Culpa… The sexual abuse of children by priests is a terrible thing, but so is the defense of sexual abuse of children by gay activists.
- Dr. Spitzer has changed his orientation!! Prominant member of American Psychiatric Association, who had opposed change therapy now says it is possible. See also this press release.
- The Elephant In The Room by Ross Olson, Pediatric Annals published a study in which a 13 year old boy who is sexually active with males requests therapy to become a girl and a panel of experts does not comment on the obvious presence of child abuse.
- Diversity, Homosexuality and Education by Ross Olson,We have been led to believe that homosexuality, like race, is an innate quality that cannot change so that we must unconditionally accept gays and lesbians, as well as everything that they do.
- What Should Be The Church's Response To Homosexuality? by Ross Olson This is a topic which secular society is using to bludgeon Christians. The answer is simple but not easy: Speak the truth in love.
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