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What Liberty! What liberty! My Master said, "The price is paid, My grace is free. I do not ask a martyr's grave Or sacrifice, Thou former slave. No riches do I ask of thee, I have enough, And service. See, I give you what you could never earn And ne'er repay. Do not concern yourself With debts, But live And live without regrets. For this is true humility To say, 'Lord, thanks for loving me.' And if your love Should loose your purse Or lead to service, Don't reverse the joy By writing In a book or on your mind. I do not tally deeds of love Nor meter grace Nor pay in kind. I love you first And not your acts. I'll not be bribed with filthy rags. Do not insult the price I paid But wear the garment Christ has made." —Ross Olson After reading Not Me, God, by Sherwood Eliot Wirt Send comments to me at ross{at} The URL for this document is |