Ross Olson's Web Site

Social Issues: Letters to the Editor

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For Letters Regarding Evolution/Creation, See 2015
  • "Consensus Science" 2/9/2015 by Ross Olson Consensus is touted as the confirmation of a scientific hypothesis or theory, yet at times, the majority, even the majority of experts, has been wrong.

  • "Debate, Not Doubt" 3/17/2015 by Ross Olson Because mainstream science can be wrong, doubters and their evidence must not be disqualified from the debate and ulterior motives must be recognized amoung the mainstreamers. If one side of an issue is ruled out of bounds, there can be no debate and if the science is on the side of the doubters, then consensus science is anti-science.

  • 2015
  • "Add It Up" 2/9/2015 by Ross Olson It is inconsistent to decry sexual abuse of boy scouts while insisting on allowing homosexual leaders.

  • "School Restrooms" 2/22/2015 by Ross Olson Allowing small single stall "unisex" lockable restrooms for those who identify as transgender would preserve security for those who are not transgender.

  • 2016
  • "Preventing Child Sexual Abuse" 9/9/2016 by Ross Olson Jacob Wetterling's abuse and murder opens all sorts of questions about how to prevent these sorts of things.

  • "Secret Weapon" 10/01/2016 by Ross Olson The way has been opened for victims of terrorism to sue in US courts.

  • "Questioning The Election" 10/19/2016 by Ross Olson Pundits act as if no one has ever questioned the elections.

  • "Targets Woes" 11/03/2016 by Ross Olson By its policy of transgender access to the restrooms and changing rooms in which transgender people feel most comfortable Target has either ignored -- or worse, rejected – the safety and comfort of all the rest of their customers.

  • "Holiday Spirit" 11/03/2016 by Karin Olson Merry comes from the heart, not from a bottle.

  • 2017
  • "Rape culture" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Cultures down through history have put boundaries on male sexuality and consent used to mean consent to enter into a lifetime commitment – marriage. Social acceptability required a man to value a woman as worth waiting for.

  • "Calls For Unity" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Did Trump exhibit signs of calls for unity?

  • "A Flawed President" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Among Trumps flaws is his treatment of women but the centerpiece of women's rights should not be abortion.

  • "Climate change" 3/10/2017 by Ross Olson Dissenting opinions in any field will be excluded and persecuted.

  • "What Should Be Done For Transgender Children?" 3/20/2017 by Ross Olson Testimony before the Anoka Hennepin School Board, 3/20/2017.

  • "Speaking of Genital Mutilation..." 5/12/2017 by Ross Olson A Star Tribune Commentary called for an end to the genital mutilation of not only female circumcision but male circumcision. Should this not open the discussion of sex change surgery?

  • "Is it posible to do harm with the best of motivations?" by Ross Olson submitted to Star Tribune 5/28/2017, never published.

  • "Is it posible to do harm with the best of motivations?" by Ross Olson Given at a news conference initiated by Minnesota Family Council June 1, 2017.

  • "Is retail sales related to parking?" by Ross Olson September 4

  • "What would MLK Jr think of the Melanin Project??" by Ross Olson Edina Schools try to increase K-2nd grade student's awaremess of color differences.

  • 2018
  • "Undoing the 60s" by Ross Olson The harassment scandles indicate that America has a conscience.

  • "Freedom of the Press" by Ross Olson The Press needs to speak truth to its own prejudices.

  • "Stepehen Hawking's Last Bet" by Ross Olson Stepehn Hawking was unusual in admitting when he was wrong, but he lost his last bet.

  • "What Kersten Can’t Grasp…" by Ross Olson Allowing Kersten space is good but it was not followed by allowing two sided discussion.

  • "What Next?" by Ross Olson The exposure of pedophile priests does not close the book on intergenerational sex.

  • "Which Is Worse?" by Ross Olson The Coverup of sexual abuse of children is terrible but what about academic justification of the practice?

  • "Reproductive Rights" by Ross Olson Reproductive rights leave dead babies and wounded women, and even damaged men.

  • "Me Too The Next Step" by Ross Olson The boundaries for sexuality need to be defined but "consent" is not the right one.

  • 2019
  • "What if?" by Ross Olson Will we ever get to the day when abortion supporters will be vilified?

  • "I Have A Dream" by Ross Olson Turning Martin Luther King Jr on his head.

  • "Purpose of College" by Ross Olson A liberal education would be good if it were happening

  • "Just the Stigma?" by Ross Olson In affirming Sweden follow-up on adults who have undergone gender reassignment shows suicide rates 20 times the expected.

  • "Missing Something" by Ross Olson Analysis mysteriously skips right over mothers and fathers

  • 2020
  • Day of Prayer -- Not Reported by Ross Olson

  • Human Value -- Where Does It Come From? by Ross Olson

  • The Value of Human Life by Ross Olson

  • Covid19 and HIV by Ross Olson

  • Blame by Ross Olson

  • Racism by Ross Olson

  • Lost in Space by Ross Olson

  • Deaths by Ross Olson 200,000 Covid19 deaths is a lot but 600,000 abortion deaths a year is a lot more!

  • 200,000 by Ross Olson 200,000 have died of covid this year. 61 million have died of abortion since 1973. Some might have been the scienttists to cure Covid!

  • Open Letter to President Elect Biden by Ross Olson I request that since you oppose separation of children from parents at the border (causing harm), that you likewise oppose separation of unborn children from their own mother leding to certain death.

  • Open letter to President Trump by Ross Olson President Trump, I appreciate your stand for life and for Israel and treaties between Israel and Arab nations, but I ask that you return good for the evil shown you by your enemies. God loves even those who oppose God's Laws.

  • 2021
  • Healthy Sexuality by Ross Olson Healthy sexuality is not being promoted by publics schools. Multiple broken sexual relationships produces an inability to attach and an emotional numbness.

  • Establishement Clause by Ross Olson What does the First Amendment actually say?

  • Once Again It's Not About The Babies by Ross Olson The writers solutions are part of the problem.

  • 2022
  • Learning Gaps by Ross Olson Multiple broken sexual relationships produces an inability to attach and an emotional numbness. That is why men do not support their sexual partners and their children.

  • Causes of vioence by Ross Olson Fatherlessness correlates with violence

  • Before and After by Ross Olson What leads up to the agonizing decision to abort and what comes after?

  • Achievement Gap by Ross Olson Funding and educational tweaking cannot solve this. We need to undo the 60s.

  • 2023
  • Need More Success Stories by Ross Olson The entertainment industry needs to be pressured to highlight true success stories instead of glorifying revenge.

  • Intellectual Diversity by Ross Olson Colleges lack intellectual diversity.

  • Overdose Crisis by Ross Olson The solution to despair is hope that comes from connection with our Creator

  • End of Life Options by Ross Olson One importand issue is missed in an otherwise good review of the issue.

  • Send comments to me at ross{at}

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