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- 12/24/1977 Novel solution to the take off noise of supersonic passenger jet Concord.
- 3/29/1982 The intellectual hold of evolution is a mystery not explained by its feeble evidence.
- 7/26/1983 Dr. Singer claims that a normal animal is more valuable than a defective human, a view that grows naturally out of an evolutionary root.
- 9/19/1983 Cabbage Patch Dolls are no threat to adoption.
- 2/8/1984 Challenger Tragedy Can Teach Eternal Lessons
- 3/5/1984 The search for extra-terrestrial life suffers from the naive assumption that since life is abundant here, it must have arisen by natural processes elsewhere.
- 6/23/1984 Even those who advocate for sexual freedom tend to draw the line at sexual abuse of children, although the same arguments could be used in its favor.
- "August - November, 1985, correspondence with a very bright teen aged girl who thinks Christianity is based only on blind faith.
by Ross Olson
- 5/11/1986 Stephen Jay Gould has the intellectual courage to articulate at least some of the consequences of his world view.
- 3/7/1987 Is death just a part of life in a Christian world view?
- 3/23/1988 Star Tribune claims AIDS will not be a threat to the heterosexual promiscuous population.
- Christianity Today on Origins 1988 Christianity Today asked why Christians cannot agree on origins.
- 1/4/1989 Some say aborted babies would not have been adoptable. This is blatantly false.
- 5/23/1989 The strong anti-supernatural bias of the scientific and academic establishments makes it nearly impossible for an outspoken maverick to rise in the ranks.
- 6/8/1989 A letter to the Health Coordinator Minneapolis Public Schools about avoidng truth to prevent discrimination.
- 2/2/1990 The AIDS education program of Minneapolis Public Schools is counterproductive in preventing AIDS.
- February 10 and 12, 1990 Interaction with Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, Robert Ferrera. Does the goal of promoting of respect require withholding the truth about AIDS from students? Dr. Ferrera defends his curriclum and misrepresents the opposition.
- 5/19/1990 The big issue is what attitude toward sexuality we are actually promoting among our kids.
- 6/10/1990 A letter to the Superintendant Ferrera regarding a new age health curriculum being piloted in Minneapolis Public Schools.
- September 11, 1990 Letter to a drama critic regarding Madeline's Rescue.
- October 1990 Letter to Professor Sylvia Hacker regarding her proposal for sexual freedom.
- October 1990 and following Letter to Professor Sylvia Hacker regarding her proposal for sexual freedom and her response to my letter. (Dr. Hacker died in January 2013)
- 5/11/1991 Some sex ed is sexually stimulating and conveys the expectation that all teens will and even should be sexually active.
- 10/29/1991 Archaeopteryx could not be the ancestor of all birds even if evolution made sense.
- 2/13/1992 Parenting Magazine 1992 would have been banned by responsible parents of 1892.
- 7/28/1992 American Aacademy of Pediatrics claims to advocate for children but that does not include unborn children.
- 8/29/1992 In defense of his sexual relationship with a stepdaughter, Woody Allen says 'The heart wants what it wants.'
- 9/29/92 TAMS TALK Drama Group gave a presentation that was sad and disturbing, not because it was intended to be but because they were deceived and deceiving.
- 2/12/1993 Does the liberal press not see that Christian proselytizing has fought such cultural practices as foot binding, female infanticide and human sacrifice?
- 4/6/1993 Victim of Sex Ed: Sex ed is touted as the solution to sexual problems, assuming that with knowledge, people will do the right thing.
- 7/7/1993 In an issue of Parenting magazine that warns about sexual abuse of children, it is strange to endorse Dr. Ruth's book, "Dr. Ruth Talks to Kids".
- December 1993 We Are All Victims: The Tragedy of Grant Hussey, Stephan Estburn and Society's Failure to See Truth
- 4/1/1994 Librarians: Not just impartial dispensor of knowledge, librarians DO censor, especially Christian material.
- 5/7/1994 Spanking is not abuse and opposition to it is misguided and potentially harmful to society.
- 7/3/1994 Stonewalling: Stonewalling is what has happened to the truth about homosexuality.
- 10/3/1994 Letter Regarding An Intelligent Dying Atheist
- 2/11/95 Public Broadcasting does much good but has strong bias in many areas.
- 11/7/1995 A secularist reacts negatively to a columnist's seeing a joyful generous creative spirit in nature.
- 12/5/95 "Condoms Can't Protect The Heart" [Published in AAP News] The American Academy of Pediatrics does not serve children when it promotes so-called safe sex.
- 5/19/1996 Criticism of Billy and Franklin Graham is hypocritical.
- 10/7/1997 The Christian men's organization, Promisekeepers, should qualify as a persecuted and misrepresented minority.
- 10/26/1997 The head of adolescent medicine and many of the pediatric faculty of the University of Minnesota failed to challenge the absurd statements of the head of SIECUS, Dr. Haffner.
- 11/1997 Notifying parents of their children's behavior makes use of a powerful motivator against bad choices -- fear of disclosure.
- Bad News About Homosexuality Because the issue of homosexuality is defined as civil rights, real discussion cannot take place.
- Sex Lessons A failed scheme of sex education continues to be forced on all public school students. Published 1/27/98
- 3/19/1998 Do Parental Notification Laws Hurt Teens?
- 5/9/1998 American Academy of Pediatrics incrediblly writes about comforting children after a disaster without mentioning religion.
- 5/16/1998 Artist Francis Bacon and the origin of homosexual attraction.
- 5/16/1998 Phone company and policy towards homosexuality.
- 12/15/1998 Abortion is different from birth control. If the time of conception is arbitrary, we could retroactively "prevent" any number of troublesome people.
- Lying About Sex January 1999 by Ross Olson, Lies are regularly being told about sex, not just individuals covering up their misdeeds, but judges, curriculum writers and teachers who withhold the truth from students.
- Birth control disaster by Ross Olson, The effects of teen sexual activity go far beyond the risk of pregnancy and STDs. Published by Star Tribune March 1999
- States Rights by Ross Olson, Liberal press is hypocritical about states rights. Published by Star Tribune November 1999
- Ms. America by Ross Olson, Dropping the requirement of sexual purity from the Miss America contest is a step backwards from the moves made toward over-all excellance. Published by Star Tribune November 1999
- 1/31/2000 To Star Tribune regarding Ellen Goodman's article on abortion
[published 2/18/00] Printed here with feedback from a reader.
- 2/12/2000 To Star Tribune regarding Rochester school bus driver
- 4/8/2000 Copy of letter to Gov. Ventura regarding his opposition to a 24 hour waiting period before abortion
- 7/14/2000 Evil: regarding the genocide in Rwanda and the Star Tribue's analysis of it.
- 7/30/2000 Center for the American Experiment is criticized
- 8/9/2000 Biased preview of the ex-gay conference "Love One Out."
- 8/13/2000 A good article on "Love One Out" accompanied by pictures only of the protestors.
- 8/20/2000 A Star Tribune reader thinks it is totally appropriate to fire a teacher for doubting Darwin.
- 9/1/2000 Why do gay men want to be Scout Leaders?
- 9/25/2000 The articles in a recent Infectious Diseases of Children show how much we have failed the present generation of youth.
[Published 1/2001]
- 10/19/2000 Live bacteria found in supposedly 250 million year old salt (even older than the 25 million I mistakenly put in my letter -- either is impossible.)
Letter was published in Star Tribune.
- 1/3/2001 Is legalization the answer to the drug problem? (This letter was published in the Star Tribune.)
- 1/27/2001 School vouchers are portrayed as simply wrecking the schools, but there is more to it.
- 2/6/2001 Infectious Diseases of Children published my letter on promoting abstinence but found thee experts to experts to say, "yes, but".
- 2/7/2001 Does Virginity protect young girls from AIDS in Africa? Of course! So why can't American journalists see that?
- 4/3/2001 The Star Tribune showed the tragic consequences of teen sex, then directed teens to the agencies that are part of the problem.
- 5/30/2001 Infectious Diseases of Children published another objection to promoting one partner for life.
- 7/12/2001 A baby died, forgotten in a van and the public is horrified but many cannot see the similar horror of abortion.
- 9/13/2001 A Wake up Call For America To the Editor, Star Tribune, regarding the terrorist attacks.
- 11/27/2001 Child Magazine tried to bring in all varieties of experts to deal with the effect of September 11 on children, but forgot about the place of faith.
- 1/11/2002 A study of young black men in Hennepin County tried to discover the causes and cures of that group's well-known woes, but made major omissions.
- 1/18/2002 Thinking it humane, advice columnist Abby Van Buren discourages trying to change or even control behavior.
- 1/20/2002 by Bryan Olson (brother of Ross Olson) who differs with Minnesota Christian Chronicle Editor Doug Trouten who considers the Harry Potter phenomenon to be harmless.
- 2/17/2002 The Star Tribune defended marriage in two separate articles.
- 3/17/2002 An op ed piece purporting to be from St. Olaf Professor Dean Malotky has all the earmarks of being a drunken prank pulled off by a creative writing sophomore. ;)
Printed in the Star Tribune.
- 3/20/2002 A Child Magazine published an article about giving children hope in the face of an uncertain world, and did it without mentioning God.
- 3/27/2002 The sexual abuse of children by priests is a terrible thing, but so is the defense of sexual abuse of children by gay activists.
- 4/20/2002 The birth of Israel was NOT a Jewish coup but an event ordered by the United Nations.
- 5/6/2002 Updated Motto: Ennobled by understanding?
- 6/17/2002 Soul-searching over cloning debate
- 7/11/2002 by Bryan Olson(Ross' brother)
Did Jessie Ventura get it right when he considers separation of church and state to forbid declaring a day of prayer?
- 9/8/2002 by Bryan Olson
Teacher Bryan Olson answers a Christian couple who belittle the concerns of those who consider the Harry Potter phenomenon to be a gateway to the occult for susceptible kids.
- 10/19/2002 Does the Bible really have no meaning?
- A Letter to Time by Ross Olson, Time Magazine dared show prenatal development in all its complexity, but implied that the early stages are less than human using Haeckel's discredited embryology.
- 5/01/03 by Ross Olson, Is it hypocritical for pro-lifers to approve of guns?
- 5/03/03 by Ross Olson, Why do DFLers consistently support the discredited Profile of Learning to the point of subterfuge in preventing its repeal?
- Intolerance? by Ross Olson, Is it really intolerant to oppose homosexual behavior?
- The Elephant In The Room by Ross Olson, Pediatric Annals published a study in which a 13 year old boy who is sexually active with males requests therapy to become a girl and a panel of experts does not comment on the obvious presence of child abuse.
- Resignation from AAP by Ross Olson, I can no longer in good conscience belong to an organization that is willing to put children at risk in order to maintain political correctness.
- Atheism Does Not Force Its Beliefs On Anyone? by Ross Olson, An atheist claims that atheism is not a religion and has no beliefs to force on anyone.
- Is Judge Moore defying the Constitution by posting the 10 Commandments? by Bryan Olson Printed in abridged form in the Star Tribune on 7/15/03.
- The Star Tribune still neglects to print the views of the founders on the place of the Bible and specifically the 10 Commandments in our form of government. by Bryan Olson
- Unnecessary Rxes?? by Ross Olson, Are kids being drugged unnecesarily for attention problems? (This letter was published in the Star Tribune 10/9/03)
- Fascist Assignments? by Ross Olson, Is it fascist to assign students to write letters complaining about media content?
- To Tell The Truth by Ross Olson, With stealth and snookery, conservative strategists are reshaping the debate over abortion rights? (Part of this letter was published in the Star Tribune 11/21/03)
- Are vouchers a too costly to consider? by Ross Olson Is the cost of vouchers a liability or are they possibly a money saving measure?
- Testimony Regarding Absolute Confidentiality For Teens Regarding Their Medical Care: Minnesota House Committee by Ross Olson The idea that teens need absolute confidentiality in their medical care sounds reasonable but has serious unintended consequences
- Testimony Regarding Absolute Confidentiality For Teens Regarding Their Medical Care: Minnesota Senate Committee by Ross Olson Proponents of confidentiality claim to have the same goals for the teens as the parents, but they are either deceived or deceiving regarding the plotters and schemers with a different agenda.
- Would Americans have accepted anti-terrorism tactics prior to 9-11? by Ross Olson Published in the Star Tribune
- Young boys, getting in touch with their outer beauty, are the new darlings of the health and beauty industry. by Ross Olson
- Would Ronald Reagan have favored killng babies for spare parts, even if it would have cured his Alzeimers? by Ross Olson
- Cheri Pierson Yecke has been criticised for telling the truth about America's founders' attitude towards religion. by Ross Olson
- Sudan genocide is Muslims on Christians but the Star Tribune does not report it. by Ross Olson
- Sudan genocide is clearly Muslims on Christians but the Star Tribune still does not report it. by Ross Olson
- The Star Tribune likes to report sexual abuse within religious communities but ignores it within mainstream gay lifestyles. by Ross Olson
- Bioethecist fails to see that getting a cure from embryonic stem cells is like killing for organ transplantation. by Ross Olson
- Fatherlessness is a major risk factor for children who become violent. Why is this fact hidden? by Ross Olson
- The Star Tribune seems to think that drugs can stop the AIDS epidemic. by Ross Olson
- Family Circle Magazine tries to figure out why junior high students think oral sex is not really sex. It is because their teachers told them so. by Ross Olson
- A teacher thinks America would have been better off without the Civil War. She further thinks that evangelicals would have all fled to the Confederacy. by Ross Olson
- Senator Kerry made a peace gesture in his concession. He would do his party and the coutry a valuable service by trying to understand the moral issues that tipped the campaign and by communicating them to his party. by Ross Olson
- Smithsonian marvels at an advanced culture that performs human sacrifice. by Ross Olson
- Adult stem cells have produced success, yet embryonic stem cells get all the attention because their use dovetails with the goals of abortion advocates. by Ross Olson
- Some people seem to think that PBS is too conservative!!. by Ross Olson
- It is evil intelligence that suppresses the truth about the design in life that cannot be accounted for by any natural process. Why would anyone want to do that? by Ross Olson
- Does green growing things in the back of your refrigerator prove spontaneous generation? by Ross Olson
- Teaching Intelligent Design is portrayed as anti-intellectual when the truth is the exact opposite. by Ross Olson
- National Geographic's story on AIDS in Africa avoids the issue of promiscuity and instead implies that hope lies in openness and medication. by Ross Olson
- Was Ben Franklin a New Ager? by Ross Olson This letter was published in the 10/31/05 Star Tribune.
- One of the major tolls of pregnancy is the stress of an emotional attachment? by Ross Olson
- The secret to the success of Minnesota Teen Challenge in treating adolescent and adult addiction is the challenge to commit your life to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Why won't the Star Tribune print that? by Ross Olson
- The Kensington Runestone is undergoing academic rehabilitation after knee jerk rejection in the past. It leads to very interesting conclusions about the ice age. by Ross Olson
- TV sitcom, "Will and Grace," is praised for leaving a "deliciously dirty mark on the airwaves." by Ross Olson
- Why do the media rarely even hint at the two most important factors responsible for violent behavior in children? by Ross Olson
- An article on recovery from chemical dependency fails to mention the importance of the spiritual dimension, shown so dramatically by Minnesota Teen Challenge. by Ross Olson
- Dysfunctional Islam by Ross Olson Why do moderate Muslims not condemn the violence? Frankly, they, too have been terrorized.
- Misplaced Shame? by Ross Olson In discussing Sexually Transmitted Diseases with potential partners, shame, guilt and even responsibility are all shrugged off.
- Unacceptable Sexual Behavior by Ross Olson The condemnation of Representative Foley is hypocritical coming from those who defend 'gay rights'.
- Discriminating Used To Be A Positive Word by Ross Olson Lesbian Bonnie Bleskachek was made Fire Chief in Minneapolis in a show of tolerence but it was soon found that 'her romantic liasons influenced her handling of personnel matters.'
- Taking the oath of office on a Koran by Ross Olson Rep. Ellison's desire to take his oath of office on the Koran rather than the Bible brings out many confused opinions.
- The Real Jesus by Ross Olson Failure to find The Real Jesus is not an intellectual problem but due to hardness of the heart.
- Faith Based Rehabilitation by Ross Olson The most effective programs to rehabilitate prisoners are under attack by revisionist judges.
- Achievement Gap by Ross Olson There is a racial achievement gap and it relates most strongly to absence of a father in the home.
- Leave It To The Professionals by Ross Olson A 17 year old stabs her newborn over 30 times. If she had let an abortionist do it just before birth it would not be a crime or a tragedy, just a choice.
- Abstinence Education by Ross Olson The Star Tribune calls for defunding abstinence education because they think it makes no difference. Yet they promote comprehensive sex education that may make things worse and also costs money. (An edited version of this letter was published on 4/27/2007).
- Promoting Prostitution and Promiscuity by Ross Olson Strangely, liberals and feminists consider it pro-woman to ridicule those who oppose prostitution and promiscuity.
- Don't be a stranger... by Ross Olson Anti-Christians oppose evangelism of children. Are we becoming Saudi Arabia?
- How can it be pro-woman to oppose modesty? by Ross Olson Does modesty prevent women from fulfillment?
- Condom Award by Ross Olson
The University of Minnesota is recognized by Trojan as the number one University for promoting condoms. Is that really something to be proud about?
- Honest Reporting by Ross Olson
The Star Tribune puts a very different spin on poll results depending on their own opinion of the candidates.
- Intolerance Squared by Ross Olson
The gay movement is intolerant of anyone who illustrates that the impulses may not be innate, fixed and irresistible, and especially that in some cases they are related to sexual abuse.
- Democracy by Ross Olson
The Star Tribune rightly notes that elections do not make a democracy but falls short of recognizing the necessary Christian roots.
- Sexual Abuse: The rest of the story by Ross Olson
The Star Tribune fails to call attention to the fact that homosexuals are much more likely to abuse children and adolsecents than heterosexuals.
- "What being evangelical means to me" by Ross Olson
The former ELCA Presiding Bishop, Herbert Chilstrom, criticizes upper case Evangelicals for social action and unwittingly reveals that he is not even a lower case evangelical by tying his faith to rituals and good works.
- Boy Scouts by Ross Olson
The discussion of gay scoutmasts suffers from censorship of the crucial data.
- Alarming Solution by Ross Olson
One in four teenaged girls in America has a sexually transmitted disease, one in two if they are African American. The solution is not more of the training in condom use that has helped produce the tragic epidemic.
- Nuclear Terror by Ross Olson
If terrorists vaporized an American city, there would be more concerns than just tracking down the perpetrators.
- Mid life Suicide by Ross Olson
Star Tribune investigate mid life suicide but dares not touch the sacred cows of sexual liberation and abortion.
- Taking Responsibility by Ross Olson
The Dominic Jones rape case is about taking responsibility for our actions. This letter was published by the Star Tribune April 11, 2008
- "It's Just A Game?" by Ross Olson
A reader defends Grand Theft Auto IV and claims that the realistic graphics make him really think about what he is doing and points to his happy marriage and well adjusted kids as proof of the endorsement.
- "Welcoming Schools" by Ross Olson
Under the guise of a program to fight bullying, children are being taught to question their parents' values and celebrate homosexuality.
- "Yoga" by Ross Olson
Yoga is promoted as a calming technique, ignoring the religious nature of it.
- "Comprehensive Sex Education" by Ross Olson
Proponents of comprehensive sex education are mostly deceived about the content and goals of the progams being used as well as the cause of the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases.
- "Partisans" by Ross Olson
After blocking conservative justices for partisan reasons, it is hypocritical of Democrats to criticize hirings and firings for political reasons.
- "Lincoln vs Darwin" by Ross Olson
Newsweek compared the influence of Lincoln and Darwin but did not note the direction of their influence.
- "Partisans" by Ross Olson
Many pro-choice and right to die groups want to produce ethically compromised physicians.
- "Enough Already" by Ross Olson
A reader complains that Katherine Kersten's columns are obsessed with sex as she simply reports the garbage being quietly fed to our kids, hoping for outrage and action.
- "Defaming Muslims" by Ross Olson
Islamic apolologists claim that a small minority of violent extremists smear the good name of Islam, yet surveys show that young Muslims support violence in alarming numbers.
- "What Caused the Financial Crisis?" by Ross Olson
It seems very easy to blame the financial crisis, along with everything else wrong in the universe, on President Bush, but loss of the old moral consensus has destroyed the fabric that made America great.
- "School choice for Presidents" by Ross Olson
Will Mr. Obama allow the rest of America to have the school choice he has for his children? (Published by the Star Tribuew 11/26/08)
- "Minneapolis Population Decline" by Ross Olson
It is not geographic factors but education that drives young families out of the city.
- "Message To President Obama" by Ross Olson
President Obama spoke of ending slaughter of innocents but does not see that it describes abortion.
- "OK, Let's Talk About Science" by Ross Olson
Censorship by political correctness and misguided definitions of hate crimes has taken crucial scientific information off the table when considering many important issues.
- "Educational Hypocrisy" by Ross Olson
Why does Obabam's education plan eliminate vouchers that would allow poor and middle income families the same choices in educating their children allowed the rich?
- "Choice and Law" by Ross Olson
Would outlawing abortion eliminate free will? Why do we have laws anyway?
- "Free Speech?" by Ross Olson
The Star Tribune erroneously thinks that universities promote free speech and critical thinking, probably because all of its ideas are given free reign. (This letter was published in the Star Tribune).
- "Jumping to conclusions?" by Ross Olson
The Star Tribune, like most mainstream media, jump to unwarrented conclusions regarding evolution and abortion.
- "Slippery Slope" by Ross Olson
Those who claim that encouraging living wills cannot possibly have any unintended consequences do not look at Holland. The Star Tribune published this letter without the last sentence.
- "Can Pediatricians Help Strengthen America’s Youth?" by Ross Olson
They cannot do it the way the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends.
- "Shifing the cost of care to the younger generation is especially problematic since we have killed 40 million of them." by Ross Olson
- "Humanist Nirvana" by Ross Olson Have we reached utopia?
- "Yoga Again" by Ross Olson Schools are desperate for help and accept almost anything as long as it is not Christian.
- "Freedom of Worship" by Ross Olson In Morocco freedom of worship does not mean freedom of religion.
- "Is charitable giving tantamount to stealing from the government?" by Ross Olson Trial baloon is launched to tap this supposedly unaccountable drain on public funds... by the rich, of course!
- "Stealing from the government -- The Sequel?" by Ross Olson The Star Tribune finally publishes a response to the articel attacking charitable giving aas veritable stealing from the government -- but it turns out to not be a significant disagreement at all.
- "Stem Cells" by Ross Olson Embryonic stem cells have not been successful in producing therapy, yet their lobby suppresses the evidence that adult stem cells reach the goal without destroying another life.
- "Editorial Writers" by Ross Olson An editorial writer betrays his arrogance.
- "English" by Ross Olson Is making English the offical language mean spirit and discriminatory?
- "Christian Nation?" by Ross Olson Is America a Christian nation? Is that designation antagonistic to pleuralism?
- "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Think" by Ross Olson The disastrous results of putting men and women tegether in military situations is lost on the political-correctness-driven decision to allow open gays in the military. Has anybody thought about the sexual tension?
- "Miscarriage of logic" by Ross Olson A writer claims that because there are many natural miscarriages, abortion is only a drop in the bucket. The missing point is on a different track completely -- the human genome is deteriorating, as noted by J. C. Sanford in his book Genetic Entropy.
- "Exporting Democracy Importing Mob Rule" by Ross Olson We seem to think that we can easily export democracy to places that do not have the foundation of Biblical world view to sustain it. Instead we import the example of mob rule because our own people no longer have the moral consensus of the founders.
- "Planned Parenthood" by Ross Olson Planned Paenthood is not about providing medical care for the disadvantaged even though they may occasionally do good. They do not deserve public funding.
- "Witch Hunt?" by Ross Olson Is Keith Ellison, representative from Minnesota's 5th District, just being a disinterested congressman who happens to be a Muslim when he calls it a witch hunt to be looking at known sources of terrorism?
- "What your history teacher won't tell you..." by Ross Olson Americans no longer understand the background of public prayer because history has been purged of the pertinent information.
- "Stewing About Stem Cells" by Ross Olson Professor Wagner writes a very unscientific article clarifying that his support of embryonic stem cell research is not scientific.
- "Ending Family violence" by Ross Olson The solutions usually proposed are not radical enough.
- "Nurturing Neighbors" by Ross Olson The environmental utopia is only explained by the Christian-Biblical worldview. Star Tribune published an edited version of this letter on 4/24/2011. I wrote them about the editing.
- "Powerful Men" by Ross Olson Powerful men often abuse power in their personal lives. It is no longer credible to say that private life has no bearing on public service.
- "Homosexual Change" by Ross Olson The scientific information about homosexuals changing orientation is available but suppressed.
- "Science and Faith" by Ross Olson The media invariably gets it wrong when writing of science and faith.
- "Identity of Donors" by Ross Olson Why do opponents want to know the names of donors to causes they aoopose if not to harass or intimidate?
- "Holdouts" by Ross Olson Who benefits when landowners hire lawyers to get more for their property?
- "Homosexual Change" by Ross Olson If you say bullying represents a breakdown of morals, you will be bullied.
- "Sexual Hypocricy" by Ross Olson Child abuse is recognized lclearly in the case of Jerry Sandusky but overlooked when it involves ordinary gay males.
- "Opinion or News?" by Ross Olson Is a 28 year old man who has AIDS having sex with a 15 yeaar old boya consenting adult just because the reporter says so? Isn't it a story about statuatory homosexual rape? But, of course, we must not offend, sterotype or profile.
- "Media Abuse" by Ross Olson Media consult experts and think they have done due diligence but the system that annoints experts enforces political correctness.
- "A Good Start" by Ross Olson Star Tribune notices academic censorship as if it has found something new and inadvertantly implies that it would have been better to have remain undetected.
- "Going Astray" by Ross Olson Americans feel they can mix and match beliefs according to their own preferences.
- "Hypocrisy" by Ross Olson The media are quick to condemn Joe Paterno for not doing more to investitgate sexual abuse of children yet they have no curiosity about its widespread practice in the gay community.
- "Evil As Teacher" by Ross Olson The reality of evil, even within ourselves, ought to make it impossible to assume we can solve out own problems. The solution is to turn our lives over to our creator.
- "Spitzer Retracts Study" by Ross Olson Robert Spitzer retracts his study showing that certain motivated gays can change.
- "Abortion Approval Rates" by Ross Olson The rates of approval of abortion have gone down despite increase in acceptance of gay marriage and out of wedlock parenting.
- "A child is a trust, not a trophy." by Ross Olson Parenting prior to marriage is gaining acceptance. But is it good for children? (This letter was published by the Star Tribune 6/17/2012 under the title "Middle Class Debate Rages Over Marriage and Family")
- "Bachman and Plots" by Ross Olson Let’s suppose that there actually might be people who are plotting against our country.
- "Who is doing the abusing?" by Ross Olson The ex-gay movement is routinely misrepresented.
- "Who is doing the abusing?" by Ross Olson Hetersexual marriage is incredibly claimed to be harmful to children!
- "Gay marriage for the Children??" by Ross Olson Gay mariage is touted as good for children.
- "Forgotten Factors" by Ross Olson Violence is influenced by absence of fathers and loss of the moral consensus.
- "Hidden Causes" by Ross Olson In the discussion of violence, there are two glaring omissions and one glib denial.
- "Disconnect" by Ross Olson There is a disconnect in the reporting of the sexual abuse of scouts and the vote to admit avowed homosexuals as scout leaders.
- "Boston Violence" by Ross Olson Is frustrated dreams the cause of violence?
Star Tribune printed this letter intact.
- "Sexual Assaults in the Military" by Ross Olson Putting men and women together in close proximity and stressful combat situations was not wise. Now comes gay sexual tension.
- "Privacy and Security" by Ross Olson IRS released a confidential list of the names and addresses of donors to a pro marriage organization to a pro-gay organization who posted them on their web site.
- "Judicial Deity" by Ross Olson The Supreme Court takes on God-like powers.
- "Condom Conundrum" by Ross Olson The effectiveness of condoms is always grossly overrated but the real experts know they cannot be trusted.
- "Women's Health" by Ross Olson The media does not report the serious impact on physical and mental health of abortion.
- "Educational Philosophy" by Ross Olson It is possible to ignore the questions, Where do I
come from? Why am I here? and What is the meaning of life? but the entire curriculum will still be based on a set of unacknowledged answers to those questions.
- "The Rap on Rap" by Ross Olson Rap tells the whole story of degredation of women, whether in iambic pentameter or not.
This letter was published 9/24/2013.
- "Broadening the fight" by Ross Olson The Star is morally schizophrenic, seeing some cases of sexual abuswe but oblivious to the largest cause of all.
- "Concealing the Truth" by Ross Olson Star Tribune opinion on sexual abuse often involves close encounters with the truth.
- Volunteering" by Karin Olson Better than vicariously experiencing the difficulties faced by others is volunteering and making a difference.
The Star Tribune published this letter on 12/17/2013
- "Obesity and Regulation" by Ross Olson Can we pass laws to make us thin?
- "Adam Lanza" by Ross Olson The media rarely report the occult connection to violence.
- "Putin and Homosexuality" by Ross Olson No matter whatever else may be said about Vladimar Putin, he is well informed on homosexuality.
- "Human Rights and Homosexuality" by Ross Olson The media's view of human rights regarding homosexulaity needs scrutiny.
- "Truth to Power:Try it on yourself" by Ross Olson The criticism of the Catholic Church's handling of sexual abuse is only a start.
- "We know..." by Ross Olson A lot of things that we think we know are not true.
- "Complicity" by Ross Olson The press is a co-conspirator, either consciously or unconsciously, in its uncritical acceptance of the euphamistic portrayal of homosexual goals.
- "Kingdom of the Spirits" by Ross Olson Smithsonian Institution's investigation of Michael Rockefeller's disappearance does several things. Noble savage myth is debunked, spirits given credibility but curses are challenged by Smithsonian Institution crew.
- "Personhood" by Ross Olson It is true that the public will not accept the personhood of the zygote and fetus, but not because it is unscientific.
- "Single Parents" by Ross Olson Nobody talks about the lack of committment between the couple at the root of the problems of single parents.
- "Piling On" by Ross Olson Consensus science is bad science because the truth is not determined by majority vote. May principles later found to be true were rejected when first articulated and the experts consulted are precisely those who achieve their status by accepting the politically correct view. For more on spanking, see "Spanking".
- "Free to be Anything but Ex-gay?" by Ross Olson Many celebrate their freedom to declare and live a gay identity but some of them work very hard to make it unethical or even illegal to help someone to become ex-gay.
"Consensus Science" 2/9/2015 by Ross Olson Consensus is touted as the confirmation of a scientific hypothesis or theory, yet at times, the majority, even the majority of experts, has been wrong.
"Debate, Not Doubt" 3/17/2015 by Ross Olson Because mainstream science can be wrong, doubters and their evidence must not be disqualified from the debate and ulterior motives must be recognized amoung the mainstreamers.
If one side of an issue is ruled out of bounds, there can be no debate and if the science is on the side of the doubters, then consensus science is anti-science.
"Add It Up" 2/9/2015 by Ross Olson It is inconsistent to decry sexual abuse of boy scouts while insisting on allowing homosexual leaders.
"School Restrooms" 2/22/2015 by Ross Olson Allowing small single stall "unisex" lockable restrooms for those who identify as transgender would preserve security for those who are not transgender.
"Preventing Child Sexual Abuse" 9/9/2016 by Ross Olson Jacob Wetterling's abuse and murder opens all sorts of questions about how to prevent these sorts of things.
"Secret Weapon" 10/01/2016 by Ross Olson The way has been opened for victims of terrorism to sue in US courts.
"Questioning The Election" 10/19/2016 by Ross Olson Pundits act as if no one has ever questioned the elections.
"Targets Woes" 11/03/2016 by Ross Olson By its policy of transgender access to the restrooms and changing rooms in which transgender people feel most comfortable Target has either ignored -- or worse, rejected – the safety and comfort of all the rest of their customers.
"Holiday Spirit" 11/03/2016 by Karin Olson Merry comes from the heart, not from a bottle.
"Rape culture" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Cultures down through history have put boundaries on male sexuality and consent used to mean consent to enter into a lifetime commitment – marriage. Social acceptability required a man to value a woman as worth waiting for.
"Calls For Unity" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Did Trump exhibit signs of calls for unity?
"A Flawed President" 01/02/2017 by Ross Olson Among Trumps flaws is his treatment of women but the centerpiece of women's rights should not be abortion.
"Climate change" 3/10/2017 by Ross Olson Dissenting opinions in any field will be excluded and persecuted.
"What Should Be Done For Transgender Children?" 3/20/2017 by Ross Olson Testimony before the Anoka Hennepin School Board, 3/20/2017.
"Speaking of Genital Mutilation..." 5/12/2017 by Ross Olson A Star Tribune Commentary called for an end to the genital mutilation of not only female circumcision but male circumcision. Should this not open the discussion of sex change surgery?
"Is it posible to do harm with the best of motivations?" by Ross Olson submitted to Star Tribune 5/28/2017, never published.
"Is it posible to do harm with the best of motivations?" by Ross Olson Given at a news conference initiated by Minnesota Family Council June 1, 2017.
"Is retail sales related to parking?" by Ross Olson September 4
"What would MLK Jr think of the Melanin Project??" by Ross Olson
Edina Schools try to increase K-2nd grade student's awaremess of color differences.
"Undoing the 60s" by Ross Olson
The harassment scandles indicate that America has a conscience.
"Freedom of the Press" by Ross Olson
The Press needs to speak truth to its own prejudices.
"Stepehen Hawking's Last Bet" by Ross Olson
Stepehn Hawking was unusual in admitting when he was wrong, but he lost his last bet.
"What Kersten Can’t Grasp…" by Ross Olson
Allowing Kersten space is good but it was not followed by allowing two sided discussion.
"What Next?" by Ross Olson
The exposure of pedophile priests does not close the book on intergenerational sex.
"Which Is Worse?" by Ross Olson
The Coverup of sexual abuse of children is terrible but what about academic justification of the practice?
"Reproductive Rights" by Ross Olson
Reproductive rights leave dead babies and wounded women, and even damaged men.
"Me Too The Next Step" by Ross Olson
The boundaries for sexuality need to be defined but "consent" is not the right one.
"What if?" by Ross Olson
Will we ever get to the day when abortion supporters will be vilified?
"I Have A Dream" by Ross Olson
Turning Martin Luther King Jr on his head.
"Purpose of College" by Ross Olson
A liberal education would be good if it were happening
"Just the Stigma?" by Ross Olson In affirming Sweden follow-up on adults who have undergone gender reassignment shows suicide rates 20 times the expected.
"Missing Something" by Ross Olson
Analysis mysteriously skips right over mothers and fathers
Day of Prayer -- Not Reported by Ross Olson
Human Value -- Where Does It Come From? by Ross Olson
The Value of Human Life by Ross Olson
Covid19 and HIV by Ross Olson
Blame by Ross Olson
Racism by Ross Olson
Lost in Space by Ross Olson
Deaths by Ross Olson 200,000 Covid19 deaths is a lot but 600,000 abortion deaths a year is a lot more!
200,000 by Ross Olson 200,000 have died of covid this year. 61 million have died of abortion since 1973. Some might have been the scienttists to cure Covid!
Open Letter to President Elect Biden by Ross Olson I request that since you oppose separation of children from parents at the border (causing harm), that you likewise oppose separation of unborn children from their own mother leding to certain death.
Open letter to President Trump by Ross Olson President Trump, I appreciate your stand for life and for Israel and treaties between Israel and Arab nations, but I ask that you return good for the evil shown you by your enemies. God loves even those who oppose God's Laws.
Healthy Sexuality by Ross Olson Healthy sexuality is not being promoted by publics schools. Multiple broken sexual relationships produces an inability to attach and an emotional numbness.
Establishement Clause by Ross Olson What does the First Amendment actually say?
Once Again It's Not About The Babies by Ross Olson The writers solutions are part of the problem.
Learning Gaps by Ross Olson Multiple broken sexual relationships produces an inability to attach and an emotional numbness. That is why men do not support their sexual partners and their children.
Causes of vioence by Ross Olson Fatherlessness correlates with violence
Before and After by Ross Olson What leads up to the agonizing decision to abort and what comes after?
Achievement Gap by Ross Olson Funding and educational tweaking cannot solve this. We need to undo the 60s.
Need More Success Stories by Ross Olson The entertainment industry needs to be pressured to highlight true success stories instead of glorifying revenge.
Intellectual Diversity by Ross Olson Colleges lack intellectual diversity.
Overdose Crisis by Ross Olson The solution to despair is hope that comes from connection with our Creator
End of Life Options by Ross Olson One importand issue is missed in an otherwise good review of the issue.
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